SERVIER HELLAS PHARMACEUTICAL EPE INFORMS that attempts of deception by unauthorized use of its name, address of head-offices, logo and trademarks came to its knowledge. Specifically, the existence of fraudulent internet job-posts posted on job-search websites and/or professional networking platforms was reported to our Company, by which the perpetrators, persons completely unknown to our Company and having no relation whatsoever to the latter, falsely pretend to perform recruitments on behalf of our Company, proceed to online interviews with candidates and to job offers, while they may make references to existing links/websites of our Company.
In view of the above-mentioned, SERVIER HELLAS PHARMACEUTICAL EPE STATES and INFORMS that it HAS NO CONNECTION whatsoever to the afore activities, which constitute fraud, by demonstrating false facts as true, reserving its right to appeal to all competent Authorities and Courts against all persons responsible for the protection of its legal interests and for the indemnification of all damages that may occur at its expense. SERVIER HELLAS PHARMACEUTICAL EPE DISCLAIMS any responsibility concerning and/or related to any financial loss suffered by any victim of the above-mentioned fraudulent activity.