Αiming at giving back to the society, Servier Hellas organized and implemented in September 18th, 2019 a CSR initiative at the city of Volos, central Greece.
More than 80 people – from all over the country – putting their best smile on their faces and wearing their paint uniforms, contributed in supporting the Orphanage of Volos through a corporate voluntary action of high value.
Splitted into two teams, they repainted along with the children the indoor walls of the Orphanage, while for sports lovers a “Basketball Academy” was organized with certified coaches entertaining the kids and training them the sport’s basic principles.
Upon having lunch all together, Servier Hellas people were gathered on the backyard along with the 18 children that the Orphanage of Volos hosts for a very special moment: each child receiving their own unique gift, which included a pair of new sneakers, a new school bag and school stationery.
It has been an incredible emotional experience for all Servier Hellas collaborators participating to it providing all people with the opportunity to enlighten these children lives and bring smiles on their faces.